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Iron Chromate

Alternate Names: Ferric Chromate, Chromite, Chromate of Iron

Oxide Analysis Formula
Cr2O3 67.85% 1.00
FeO 32.40% 0.89
Oxide Weight 224.58
Formula Weight 224.58


A dense compound of iron and chromium. It is very refractory in oxidation, even with 50% borax and zero-alumina Ferro frit 3134 it does not melt. It is used in glazes to produce gray (with feldspar), brown (with zinc), red (with tin) or black depending on the base glaze and percentage and other coloring oxides present. Often used in underglazes, engobes and clay bodies.

Highly toxic in absorption, inhalation, and ingestion.

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Metal oxides melting

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These metal oxides have been mixed with 50% Ferro frit 3134 and fired to cone 6 oxidation. Chrome and rutile have not melted, copper and cobalt are extremely active melters, frothing and boiling. Cobalt and copper have crystallized during cooling. Manganese has formed an iridescent glass.


Hazards Iron oxide and Hematite
Hazards Chromium Compounds Toxicology
Typecodes Colorant
Metallic based materials that impart fired color to glazes and bodies.


Frit Softening Point 1800C M
Density (Specific Gravity) 4.50
By Tony Hansen
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